Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Glikogenesis and Glycogenolysis

• Kelebihan glukosa penyimpanan (glikogen hati dan otot) = glikogenesis. Excess glucose storage (liver and muscle glycogen) = glikogenesis. • Merupakan polimer glukosa sangat bercabang di sitoplasma sel salam ikatan 1,4 gilosidik dengan 1,6 glikosidik titik cabangnya. Is a highly branched polymer of glucose in the cell cytoplasm gilosidik greetings with 1.4 bond 1.6 glycosidic branch points. • Dapat diubah jadi glukosa mempertahankan glukosa darah (dalam keadaan puasa) = 12- 18 jam puasa. Can be converted into glucose maintain blood glucose (in the fasting state) = 12 - 18 hours of fasting. • Glikogen hati dapat dibentuk dari Asam laktat. Liver glycogen can be formed from lactic acid. (siklus Cori) (Cori cycle) • Konsentrasi glukosa darah normal = 80 – 120 mg / 100 ml.(3-7 mmol/L) Setelah makan glukosa darah naik hingga 120-130 mg /100 ml turun menjadi normal. Normal blood glucose concentration = 80 to 120 mg / 100 ml. (3-7 mmol / L) After the eating of blood glucose increased to 120-130 mg / 100 ml drop to normal. • Dalam keadaan puasa glukosa darah 60 – 70 mg / 100 ml. In the fasting blood glucose 60 to 70 mg / 100 ml. (hipoglikemik < kadar normal > hiperglikemik. Hiperglikemik (melewati ambang ginjal 170 atau 180 mg glukosuria. (hypoglycemic hiperglikemik. Hiperglikemik (over the threshold of 170 or 180 kidney glukosuria mg. • Gulosa darah turun dibawah 1,5 mmol / L otak fungsi otak terganggu koma kematian. Gulosa blood fall below 1.5 mmol / L brain functions disturbed brain death coma. • Sintesis glikogen memerlukan energi (ATP) Berupa UTP (Uridin Tripospat) sumber yang lebih cepat. Synthesis of glycogen requires energy (ATP) like UTP (uridine Tripospat) source faster. • Diawali pembentukan Glukosa 6 pospat (G6P) dari glukosa dikatalis enzim heksokinase / glukokinase (bersifat irreversibel) Preceded the formation of glucose 6 phosphate (G6P) catalyzed by the enzyme glucose hexokinase / glucokinase (be irreversibel) • Selanjutnya gugus P C6 dimutasi intramolekul ke C1 G1P dengan katalis enzim fosfoglukomutase (bersifat reversibel) = mengalami isomerasi Next group P mutated intramolecular C6 to C1 G1P with enzyme catalysts fosfoglukomutase (is reversible) = experienced isomerasi Lanjutan Advanced • UDP-Glukosa digabungkan dengan glikogen induk (minimal 4 unit) α 1,4 glikosidik (katalis enzim glikogen sintase) UDP-glucose glycogen combined with the parent (at least 4 units) 1.4 α glycosidic (glycogen synthase enzyme catalysts) • Cabang polimer glukosa (6-7 unit) dipindah lebih dalam α 1,6 glikosidik (katalis Branching enzyme) Branch glucose polymers (6-7 units) moved deeper α glycosidic 1.6 (catalyst branching enzyme) Glikogen Lisis = Glikogenolisis Glycogen lysis = Glycogenolysis • Pemecahan Glikogen -> Glukosa 1 p Glycogen solution -> Glucose 1 p o Ada 3 enzim yang mengkatalis (hormon glukoden -> C-AMP-enzym posporilase) There are 3 enzyme mengkatalis (glukoden hormone -> C-AMP-enzyme posporilase) o Glikogen Fosforilase : Glikogen ( α 1,4 glikosidik ) -- Glukosa 1-P Fosforilase Glycogen: Glycogen (1.4 glycosidic α) - Glucose 1-P o Tranferase : memindahkan 3 residu glukosa cabang lain lebih peka difosrilasi Tranferase: move the 3 residues of glucose other branch is more sensitive difosrilasi o Debranching enzyme (α 1,6 gilokosilase) ikatan α 1,6 glikosidik Debranching enzyme (1.6 gilokosilase α) α 1.6 glycosidic bond • Glukosa 1p Glukosa 6 P Glukosa (Di hati dan Ginjal) -> Glukosa Darah 1p Glucose Glucose Glucose 6 P (In liver and kidney) -> Blood Glucose • Di Otot Glukosa 6 P Jalur Glikolisis In Muscle Glucose 6 P Line Glycolysis Ke Jalur To Line Uronat Uronat Glukosa-1 P Glucose-1 P Glikogen Glycogen Unit 1,4 dan 1,6 Glikosidik) 1.4 and 1.6 units of glycosidic) Glukosa-6 P Glucose-6 P Fosfoglukomutase Fosfoglukomutase Glukosa Glucose Ke HMP-shunt To HMP-shunt Glikolisis Glycolysis Anaerob-aerob Anaerobic-aerobic Mg++ - Glukokinase Mg + + - glucokinase ATP ATP ADP ADP H2O H2O Glukosa 6 P-ase Glucose 6 P-ase Pi Pi UTP UTP PPi PPI UDP-Gluk UDP-glug Glikogen Glycogen Primer Primary UDG UDG (Unit glikosidik 1,4)x (Unit glycosidic 1.4) x Branching E Branching E Pi Pi Debranching E Debranching E Glukosa-1 P Glucose-1 P Hasil dari Results from debranching E debranching E cAMP cAMP Glukagon Glucagon Epinefrin Epinephrine Fosforilase Fosforilase Glikogen Glycogen sintase synthase insulin insulin + + - -- GLIKOGENESIS DAN GLIKOGENLISIS GLIKOGENESIS AND GLIKOGENLISIS UDP Glukosa UDP Glucose Pirofosforilase Pirofosforilase Glikogen Lisis Glycogen analysis Glukagon Glucagon Resepstor glukagon membran Adenilat Siklase Aktif Glucagon Resepstor membrane adenylate cyclase On Protein kinase Protein kinase Inkatif Inkatif ATP ATP C-AMP C-AMP Protein Kinase Aktif Active Protein Kinases Glikogen Sintase Aktif Active glycogen synthase Glikogen Sintase Aktif Active glycogen synthase Fosforilase Kinase Fosforilase Kinases Inaktif Inactive Fosforisase Kinase Fosforisase Kinases aktif Active ATP ATP ADP ADP ATP ATP ADP ADP Glikogen fosforiilase Glycogen fosforiilase Inaktif Inactive Glikogen fosforiilase aktif Glycogen active fosforiilase Glikogen ----- Glukosa 1 pospat Glycogen ----- Glucose 1 phosphate Pengaturan Metabolisme Glikogen Glycogen Metabolism Settings • Hormon insulin dan Hormon Glukagon (tergantung dengan kadar glukosa darah) The hormone insulin and Glucagon (depending on blood glucose levels) o Glukosa darah tinggi insulin –Glikogen sintase High blood glucose-insulin Glycogen synthase o Glukosa darah rendah Glukagon Glikogen fosforilase Low blood glucose Glucagon Glycogen fosforilase • C-AMP memerantarai efek Glukogen dalam sel = Second messenger (glukagon, hormon lain) C-AMP memerantarai Glukogen effects in the cell = Second messenger (glucagon, another hormone) • C-AMP = aktivator allosterik dari “c-APM dependent-protein kinase (protein kinase mengatur aktivasi oleh Fosforilasi dan defosforilasi C-AMP = activator allosterik from "c-APM-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase regulate phosphorylation and activation by defosforilasi • Enzym Fosfodiasterase mendegradasi c-AMP AMP (bukan aktivator protein kinase) Fosfodiasterase enzyme degrades c-AMP AMP (not the activator of protein kinase) • Kafei dan teofilin (the, kopi) menghambat enzym fosfodiasterase (memperpanjang efek hormon c-AMP Kafei and theophylline (the, coffee) inhibit the enzyme fosfodiasterase hormones prolong the effects of c-AMP Glikogenesis dan Glikogenlisis Hati Heart Glikogenesis and Glikogenlisis • Pembentukan dipengaruhi oleh insulin (sma dengan di hati) The formation is influenced by insulin (sma with the liver) • Glikogenlisis dipengaruhi oleh Epineprin dan Ca Glikogenlisis influenced by Epineprin and Ca • Otot kontraksi konsentarsi Ca meningkat peningkatan penangkapan Ca oleh protein (Calmodulin) Forsofrilasi kinase Glikogen fosfolisae (Glikogen G-1P) Muscle contraction increases Ca concentration increased by the arrest of protein Ca (Calmodulin) Forsofrilasi kinase fosfolisae Glycogen (Glycogen G-1P) • Hormon epineprin (medula renalis) mekanisme spt hormon glukagon Hormone epineprin (renal medulla) hormones such as glucagon mechanism GLUKONEOGENESIS Gluconeogenesis • Semua lintasan yang bertanggung jawab mengubah senyawa non-karbohidrat Glukosa / Glikogen All responsible path to change the non-carbohydrate compounds Glucose / Glycogen • Senyawa utama : asam amino glukogenik, laktat, gliserol, propionat The main compounds: glukogenik amino acids, lactate, glycerol, propionic • Organ yang utama terlibat : Hati dan ginjal. The main organs involved: heart and kidney. • Memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan glukosa (khususnya jaringan syaraf sel darah merah) saat Karbohidrat tidak tersedia Meet the body's need for glucose (in particular neural tissue of red blood cells) when carbohydrates are not available • Asam laktat (tidak ada enzim PEP) Lactic acid (no enzyme PEP) o Asam laktat masuk ke mitokondria oksaloasetat (enzim piruvat karboksilase) Malat ke sitosol oksaloasetat PEP Glukosa 6 P (enzim Glukosa 6-P-ase di hepar, ginjal) Glukosa. Lactic acid into oxaloacetic mitochondria (pyruvate carboxylase enzyme) Malate to the cytosol PEP oxaloacetic Glucose 6 P (enzyme glucose-6-P ase in the liver, kidney) Glucose. • Protein :Asam amino : Proteins: Amino acids: o Asam aspartat oksaloasetat aspartic acid oxaloacetic o Tirosin, fenilalanin fumarat Tyrosine, phenylalanine Fumaric o Isoleusin, metionin, valin suksinil Ko-A. Isoleucine, methionine, valine succinyl Co-A. o Histidin, prolin, glutamin, arginin Glutamat alfa-ketoglutarat. Histidine, proline, glutamine, glutamate arginine alpha-ketoglutarate. • Lemak : Fats: o Gliserol dihidroksi aseton-P dihidroksi acetone glycerol-P o Asam lemak asetil Ko-A fatty acid acetyl Co-A o Propionat Propionil S-KoA D-metil-malonil S KoA L-metilmalonil-SKo-A Suksinil Ko-A. propionic Propionyl-CoA S-methyl-D malonil S-CoA metilmalonil-L-A SKo Succinyl Co-A. Glukosa Glucose Pi Pi ATP ATP Piruvat Pyruvate Piruvat Pyruvate mitokondria mitochondria sitosol cytosol Asetil-Koa Acetyl-Koa Asam lemak Fatty acids Sitrat Citric Propionat Propionic Suksinil Ko-A Succinyl Co-A Fumarat Fumaric Oksalo-asetat Oksalo-acetate Malat Malate NADH + H+ NADH + H + NAD NAD Mala t Mala t Oksalo-asetat Oksalo-acetate NAD NAD NADH + H+ NADH + H + GDP GDP GTP GTP Fosfoenol Piruvat Fosfoenol pyruvate Karboksilase Carboxylase Fosfoenol Piruvat Fosfoenol pyruvate Fruktosa 6 Fructose 6 P P Glkuosa 6 P 6 P Glkuosa Fruktosa 1,6 Fructose 1.6 di-P on-P Gliserol Glycerol Gliserol 3-P Glycerol 3-P Di-OH aseton-P In acetone-OH-P Fruktosa 1,6 Fructose 1.6 di-P-ase in-P-ase H 2 O H 2 O Pi Pi H 2 O H 2 O Glkuosa Glkuosa 6 P-ase 6 P-ase laktat lactate Glikogen Glycogen Piruvat Karboksilase Pyruvate carboxylase CO2 + ATP CO2 + ATP ADP + Pi ADP + Pi + + - -- Piruvat DH-ase Pyruvate DH-ase Sitrat Citric + + Fosfofruk Fosfofruk tokinase tokinase ATP ATP ADP ADP Glkokinase Glkokinase Heksokinase Hexokinase ADP ADP - -- Piruvat kinase Pyruvate kinase + + HMS (HEKSOSA MONOPHOSPHAT SHUNT HMS (hexose shunt MONOPHOSPHAT • Jalur metabolisme utama penggunaan glukosa selain glikolisis. The main metabolic pathway other than glycolysis of glucose use. • Secara Kuantitatif kecil, berperan penting. Quantitative in small, play an important role. o Menghasilkan NADPH  sintesis reduktif : biosintesis asam lemak, steroid.asam-asam amino amino lewat lewat glutamat dehidrogenase, sintesis glutation tereduksi di dalam eritrosit. Produces NADPH  reductive synthesis: the biosynthesis of fatty acids, steroid.asam-amino acids via glutamate dehydrogenase past, reduced glutathione synthesis in erythrocytes. o Produksi ribosa untuk biosintesis nukleotida serta asam nukleat. Ribose production for the biosynthesis of nucleotides and nucleic acids. • Kesamaan dengan glikolisis : Glukosa 6P. Similarities with glycolysis: Glucose 6P. • Perbedaan dengan glikolisis : Differences with glycolysis: o Menggunakan NADP bukan NAD. Use NADP instead of NAD. o Menghasilkan Co2, tidak dihasilkan pada glikolisis-anaerob Produce Co2, not produced in anaerobic glycolysis, o Tidak menghasil ATP. Does not produce ATP. o Mengahasilkan Ribosa fosfat . Mengahasilkan Ribose phosphate. Eritrosa-4P Erythrose-4P Glukosa-6 P Glucose-6 P 6 Fosfoglukonolakton 6 Fosfoglukonolakton 6 Fosfoglukonat 6 Fosfoglukonat Mg++ Mg + + Glukonolakton Glukonolakton Hidrolase Hidrolase H2O H2O 3-Keto-6-Fosfo 3-keto-6-phospho glukonat gluconate NADP+ NADP + NADPH+H+ NADPH + H + Mg++ Mg + + 6 Fosfoglukonat 6 Fosfoglukonat DH-ase DH-ase Ribulosa-5P Ribulose-5P Bentuk Shape Enediol Enediol Ribosa-5 P Ribose-5 P Ketoisomerase Ketoisomerase Ribulosa-5P Ribulose-5P Ribosa 1-P Ribose 1-P Sedopheptulosa-7P Sedopheptulosa-7P Fruktosa 6P Fructose 6P Fruktosa 6P Fructose 6P Xylulosa-5P Xylulosa-5P Gliseral-3P Gliseral-3P Xylulosa 5 P 5 P Xylulosa Gliseraldehid-3P Gliseraldehid-3P CO 2 CO 2 Glukosa-6P Glucose-6P DH-ase DH-ase NADP+ NADP + NADPH+H+ NADPH + H

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